Little Children (2006)

In place of the actual movie review, this is the book review, both written by Tom Perrotta:

Kate Winslett plays Sarah, a stay at home mom of Lucy in a leafy suburb.  She spends time with the other moms during the day and they of course notice the one stay at home dad.  When Sarah finally talks to Todd on a dare  (name changed to Brad in the movie) [Patrick Wilson] she impulsively kisses him and that begins a clandestine suburban affair between her and Todd/Brad, which includes everyone to some degree.

Their little children, who are friends at the playground.

Their spouses, who may or may not know about the affair and who have problems of their own.

Their friends, who have some jealousy, and who also have problems of their own.

And the Perrotta twist, a dark force lurking behind leafy suburban doors, right in their midst.

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