Fifty Shades of Grey

Just in time for Valentine's Day 2015

Freedom '90

This old music video was directed by David Fincher.  An early work, but the themes and visual effects are very strong.  Kind of like Pearl Jam, how did I sleep through all of this in the 90s?

Pearl Jam 20

If anyone knows a good music story, it's longtime Rolling Stone writer Cameron Crowe.  Also a noted filmaker, he combines his talents to show the history of Mother Love Bone, better known to you as Pearl Jam.    It's a nice review of the 90s, reminded me of a 30 for 30 episode.

Not so much of the Grunge/Seattle scene is here.  That's where they started but not where they ended up.  There's a nice growth arc of the band, showing their coming into their own, with the help of a mentor, Neil Young.

The different personalities come out with the band members:  Stone & Jeff (the original 2), Matt the drummer, Mike on guitar and of course Eddie Vedder on vocals.  And there's a nice tribute to the original Mother Love Bone vocalist, Andy Wood.

Gone Girl

With the contrived roles of husband and wife here, it's not easy to see if this is a serious study or a satire or fictionalized version of life.  The serialized blog-ishness of the diary coupled with the Amazing Amy subtext certainly makes a case for the latter.  Based on the book by Gillian Flynn, a writer for Entertainment Weekly, definitely gives it a breezy feel.

But throw director David Fincher at it and it all comes together well.  His cinematic touches of the watchful cat (Tyler?), the whisky glass, the foreboding shed, were very Fight Club like.  Nice.

Rosamund Pike as Amy is the perfect Ice Queen.  As a friend would say, she must be really good in bed for a man to want to be with her.  Two mean actually.  Ben Affleck plays the Michael Douglas type of husband and Neil Patrick Harris the hapless has-been.  Reality TV plays a major character a well.  Find Amy!  Call 1-855-4-AMY-TIPS!

The movie is an improvement on the book with the stronger roles of Margo, Tanner and Detective Boney.  I also liked the visual gothic shadows and the general fatness of middle America.  Real life in the Heartland is no walk in Central Park.

* * * * of 4