Trading Places (1984)

Another from the heyday of Eddie Murphy and Saturday Night Live, this was an early pairing of two successful SNL stars, as a modern odd couple, Eddie Murphy as the poor black streetwise Billy Ray and Dan Ackroyd as the WASP-y upper crust Winthorp. 

When two old men at the Philadelphia club have a theoretical discussion about black v. white success, they create an experiment to make Billy Ray rich and Winthorp poor.  Hilarity ensues.  When each has reached the end of their rope, they discover they have been played by the old men and seek revenge.

Also starring Jamie Lee Curtis as the hooker with a heart of gold.   You can already see that these plot points appear very dated by modern standards.

Eddie Murphy as the fish out of water was a common theme in the 80s  (48 Hours, Beverly Hills Cop, Coming to America).  I guess he was really considered an outsider then.    His comedy persona was brash and crude.   This was his height until he returned in the 90s with Shrek voicing and other family friendly comedies.  So a good example of an actor changing his style with the times.

**** of 5

Classic Lines:  "Who put their Kools out on my floor!?"

"Looking good Billy Ray!
"Feeling good Winthorp!

"Is there a lawyer in the house?  (upper crusters murmer and ignore him)

Knives Out - November 27

A star studded closed-door murder mystery along the lines of Agatha Christie.  Starring Daniel Craig, Jamie Lee Curtis, Chris Evans.  Written and directed by Rian Johnson.  Will he make a comeback after the relative disappointment of The Last Jedi?


Adam Devine, a B lister looking to move up, stars as Phil, a San Francisco millennial in love with his phone.  When he gets a new one, he installs the new software, Jexi, who turns out to be an evil version of Siri (voiced by Rose Byrne) who controls his whole life.  Some funny lines as to what Jexi thinks of Siri, Alexa and Cortana.

Rated R for some dick pics and a healthy amount of F@#$s, it turns into a Fatal Attraction type of story, as Jexi become jealous of Phil's dating of Cate (Alexandra Shipp).   Written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore of the Hangover and Bad Moms so you get the type of humor to expect.

Not a bad movie, a fun comedy, and serves to get some work for the actors.  Also stars Michael Pena in a silly role as Phil's overbearing boss.

Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)

In England, a quirky group of 6 friends, firmly single, attend many weddings together for fun.  Starring a young Hugh Grant in what would become his signature style, he's an affable, good looking, but flighty and immature man, really more of a boy.  Will be be able to grow up in the two hours of this romantic comedy?

Enter the alluring Americaine Andie McDowell, a woman that would make any man shape up.  Charlie predictably falls for Carrie but she marries someone else.  After a dramatic speech by Gareth, the oldest of the friends, Charlie decides to "settle" down and marry his old girlfriend "Duckface".  I don't think I have to tell you any more how the movie turns out.

Interesting how this setup of the single group of adult friends struggling to grow old without growing up was replicated so successfully in the 90s on TV with Friends, Seinfeld and Sex in the City.  And now again, we have the reboot of this movie on TV in 2019 by Mindy Kaeling.

Maybe they should read some holy scripture:  Ephesians 5:31  - "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."

Beverly Hills Cop (1984)

Eddie Murphy stars as Axel Foley, a Detroit police detective who travels to Beverly Hills to find the killer of his friend Mikey.  It's a Fish Out of Water story about a streetwise black man in an predominately white rich area.  Of course he wins everyone over with his humor and smarts.

A huge hit at the box office as well as a platinum selling soundtrack with such 80s greats The Heat is One, Stir it Up and Neutron Dance as well as the Harold Faltermeyer Axel F Theme.

It's got a lot of funny 80s element, the buddy cops, the drug dealing villain, and Eddie Murphy in probably his biggest star turn.

Some interesting themes that you might notice about racism and homosexuality.  Why doesn't Eddie Murphy have a love interest with his blonde co star?  Is is because Hollywood wasn't ready for a black/white love affair?  Or is it because Axel is secretly gay?

Heavy analysis for a popcorn flick.   * * * * of 5

Never Been Kissed (1999)

One of the perils of being a movie reviewer is that you are expected to have seen every movie.  Which no one could ever do.  But we can get adept at discussing movies we have not even seen.

Like in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, the newspaper reporter goes undercover at the local high school to see what the kids are up to these days.  Josie Grossie (Drew Barrymore) finds a love interest with teacher Mr. Sam Coulson but they must keep their relationship a secret.  Will the students find out?  Is the sky blue?  Classic Rom Com screwups ahead.

Here's Roger Ebert's review also: