13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

If you factor out "Hillary Clinton" from this story, you're left with a question of... what actually happened here?  Director Michael Bay does a very nice job of answering that question.  And .. spoiler... there is not Hillary Clinton references in the movie.

In Benghazi, on September 11, there was a secret CIA base near the US Consulate.  Why is there a US Consulate there?  We don't know, any more we know about the CIA dealings.  A group of "security" was at the CIA base.  When the Consulate comes under attack, the security group on their own volition, heads into the fight, to see to protect the US Ambassador, who happens to be visiting on that day.

John Krasinski stars as "Jack Silva" a pseudonym for the real author.  Other than him, there are no big stars to speak of.  I really liked it.  Very similar to Black Hawk Down, which Michael Bay said he was offered a chance to direct.  Also it will remind you of American Sniper.  

 First 5 star movie of the year.

* * * * *

Point Break (2015 Reboot)

  Any movie shot in eight different countries can't be all bad.  From Arizona to Venezuela, we see a lot of the world.  Luke Bracy plays Johnny Utah, the FBI agent assigned to infiltrate the den of crooks led by Bodhi (Edgar Ramirez).  Johnny has to keep up with the gang, surfing in Tahiti and Hawaii, partying on boats, diving, skiing, base jumping, motorcycling and just about everything you can think of.

Easy on the eyes, with great scenery, especially Teresa Palmer as Samsara.  An international cast as befits a movie truly shot all over the world.  Reminiscent of a young person's Mission Impossible.

Worth a look.  Never saw the 1991 original - never knew it was so well thought of.

* * * of 5

2016 Preview

2015 was the year both of the sequel and the euphemism for the sequel - the Reboot (  think Star Wars/the Force Awakens, the Terminator/Genysis), Jurrasic Park/World.  It must be easier to get funding with a proven story, not matter how good or bad (Point Break, Robocop).  Even Tarantino feels like a second verse now.

My favorite movies of 2016 were the original ones (Bridge of Spies, Ex Machina, Spotlight).   The five star movies.  Here's to more of them in 2016.  But I'll see them all - I admit,  I like the second verse too.

January 8   - The Revenant - starring Leonardo Di Caprio

January 15 - 13 Hours - directed by Michael Bay on the Benghazi attack

February 5 - Hail Caesar - the Coen Brothers do Old Style Hollywood

February 12 - Valentine's Weekend - big movie time

     Zoolander No. 2 - Why not?

     Deadpool - another back shelf Marvel story - they're always good

March 8 - Divergent:  Allegiant  - Part III

** and the best for later **

March 25 - Batman v. Superman:  Dawn of Justice

April 15 - Everybody Wants Some -  Boyhood Goes to College - Richard Linklater