Ex Machina - 5 Stars

This movie came out of nowhere for me - billed as THX 1138 meets Blade Runner.   It was really more Hitchcock than anything - high praise.

The unknowns casting helped the cause.  Caleb wins a contest to go to a Island of Dr. Morneau type place.  The helicopter drops him off and leaves.  He meets the Col. Kurtz of the place, Nathan, who explains the Turing principle.    Nathan has invented an AI robot named Ava.  Nathan wants Caleb to test her "humanity". If the robot can pass for human, it passes the Turing test.

As of course Ava is very human-like, we get to know her and everyone in several acts.   The movie is set like a play, set mostly inside the house/lab when Nathan works.  Caleb and Ava "get to know each other" and Nathan wants to know what they talk about.  No more needs said.

It did remind me of those 70s movies referenced, Island of Dr. Morneau, and Apocalypse Now.

* * * * * (highest rating)

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