The Interview

This bumbling, buddy movie would be an unlikely cause of an international incident and a Fortune 500 computer hack. But, WHAAAAT?? This just happened!

James Franco and Seth Rogen play Dave Skylark and his TV producer, Aaron Rapoport. They have mastered the TV schlock but, in a version of meeting someone from high school, they seek to improve their lot by a serious interview. Turns out, Kim Jong-Un of North Korea is a big fan. They seek to interview him on TV, thereby making them legit journalists. But when the CIA gets to them, they find themselves unwitttingly (and I stress the lack of wits) to be assassins.

 It's hard to see this as the cause of an international incident.  It's more like Get Smart meets The Hangover, complete with a tiger. I suppose they could have changed North Korea to Fredonia and called it a complete work of fiction. But no one accused this bunch of thinking too much. James Franco plays up his Franco-ish gay-friendly persona. He can both honeydick as well as honeypot. Seth Rogen plays his straight man.

The film takes a darker turn as the business of killing gets to be the end goal. Suffice it to say, North Korea wouldn't like the ending. The theater chains to put their foot down, and refused to show this so you can instead see it on Netflix like I did. They'd be the ones who had to clean up the mess of a Charlie Hebdo incident. Better safe than sorry.

 * * * of 4

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