
I saw this in Austin in June.  A Sundance prize winner, it is a reality-show look at former Congressman Anthony Weiner, rehabbing himself by running for Mayor of New York City.  Hard to believe he would participate in this (as well as his wife Huma Abedin) who presumably have a lot to lose.  But maybe they thought they had hit bottom and had nowhere to go but up.  You decide.

* * * * of 5

Mechanic Resurrection

Starring Jason Statham, Jessica Alba, Tommy Lee Jones

Jason Statham is.. . an assassin.  Jessica Alba is... a beautiful woman.  Boy meet Girl, but Girl is kidnapped and Boy is forces to do what he does.  Kill 3 people and make it look like an accident.  Chapter 1 and 2 go as you might expect and then Boy meets Person # 3, Tommy Lee Jones.

As the description goes, its an orderly, if predictable story.

* * * of 5

War Dogs

Welcome back to Todd Phillips, who after resting (rightfully) after The Hangover (2009) and coasting from Hangover 2 and 3, is back as director with a good true story movie about the rise and fall of 2 regular guy- arms dealers.  Two nice Jewish boys from Florida (of course) who get in the business and then quickly over their heads.

Based on the Rolling Stone article, the story was optioned right away for a movie.  Jonah Hill plays Efraim billed as the leader and Miles Teller plays David his old friend.  They find a loophole that allows their company to bid on war contracts and because the industry is so large, they are able to get a piece of the very large pie, making them big bucks.  Good while it lasts, right?  And nothing good last forever, right?

There's a lot to like here.  This is probably the best of the Iraq/Afghanistan auxillary side of the war movies that have come out (Rock the Casbah, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot).  And it is done very much in the style of The Big Short, down to the trip to Las Vegas, the narration, the visual clues as to who is who, and the chapter storytelling.   Cinematography is excellent and it seemed pretty clear that it was the same (good) look as the Hangover - same director of cinematography Lawrence Sher.  Good job.

Bradley Cooper rounds out the usual gang starring her as the shady international man Henry.  Like in a farce, he wears these silly oversized glasses.  The Brad Pitt problem - too good looking, have to mess up the look a bit.  Cooper also co-produced the movie so he knew a good thing to get in on.

It's a good bunch to have - hope they continue working on original materials.

* * * * *  highest rating

Sausage Party

At some point during the movie, I was watching the animated characters (here they are food items) trying to get into/escape from the animated pizza driver human schlub and his car and realized "This is exactly like Toy Story 2".  At that moment I noted the bumper sticker on the car  "DIXAR".

 That is a good summation of Sausage Party.  It doesn't stray too far from the tried and true animated story of cartoons v. humans but it does throw a few curves in.  If you don't like Seth Rogen/James Franco humor (Pineapple Express, This is the End, The Interview), then you'll call this "potty humor" and be offended by the "F word".

But if you're a real adult, you might enjoy a few parts of this.  Good voicing by the usual cast of comedy characters:  Kristin Wiig, Bill Hader, Jonah Hill, Craig Robinson, Michael Cera.   And a few easter eggs to discover along the way.  Nice and light.  Can't have enough R rated comedies these days.

* * * 1/2 of 5

Defending Your Life (1991)

Albert Brooks, probably best known now as the voice of Nemo, wrote and directed this story about the afterlife in Judgment City, where humans go in a sort of way station to determine if they will go on, or be sent back to Earth to live another life.   Meryl Streep is a fellow traveller he meets.  He is envious that her "trial" is set to be shorter than his.  He thinks his "attorney" Rip Torn is not good enough.  He thinks that he did not use enough of his brain while on Earth.  He thinks his prosecutor (Lee Grant) is too good.  He even thinks he should have a better hotel.

It's an interesting look at an alternative, imaginative view of the afterlife, or at least part of it.  The goal is to go on, wherever that is, rather than to be sent back, which is viewed as a type of failure.  Even in death, there's a sense of "I could've done more".  Of course since the main characters died young deaths, that is pervasive in their thinking.

Made in 1991 it is a lot like When Harry Met Sally, the nice Jewish boy meets the WASP princess and wants to be "good enough."    See also The Heartbreak Kid, The Graduate, Meet the Parents.

* * * * of 5

Here's a nice recap of the movie on its 25th anniversary.

Suicide Squad

DC Comics enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe by dusting off a collection of Batman's foes over the years.  Ben Affleck as Batman makes a nice appearance to kick things off.  We've got the Joker  (Jared Leto), his girlfriend Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Deadshot (Will Smith), Boomerang (somebody), The Flame (somebody else) and the gratuitous Croc Man.  This motley crew is deputized and Col. Rick Flagg (Joel Kinnaman) is tasked with leading them, at peril of death.

Will Smith notes the suicide mission and the Suicide Squad is born.  They go off to save New York City - again.  Actually it's Gotham City now.  The kick is that these super villians are like WMD's and must be contained for national security reasons, less they fall into the wrong hands.

Forgive me if I can't remember much of the plot. It's the basic save the world from destruction which I have seen several times this summer, Captain American, Ghostbusters, Batman v. Superman.

But good new characters and a nice set up for more going forward.

* * * * of 5

Hillary's America

Two can play the political documentary game - it's not just Michael Moore territory anymore.  The Republican Response to the upcoming Presidential election, its an interesting movie by Dinesh D'Souza, who describes his occupation as "Scholar."

Dinesh wrote a number of books in the 90s and was a leading conservative for years.  He claims that after his book Obama's America in 2012 that he was targeted by the government (maybe?) and he was convicted of campaign finance crimes - who knew?

So after 8 months in prison and continuing on probation he set about to do a movie doubling as a history lesson.  It is kind of like something you would see in school.  His thesis is that the Democratic Party is the party of slavery, Indian removal, KKK, and only takes in minority, immigrants and women just to use them.  The Republican Party of Lincoln is the true friend.

There's not a lot of Hillary here - only toward the end when he turns his sights on the Clinton Global Initiative, and perhaps rightly so.  It definitely asks some hard questions.

In general there was a lot more recreation acting that actual footage.  Perhaps because of its historical sweep.  Overall, better than expected.  Particularly if you like the documentary format.

* * * * of 5

Bad Moms

Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn and Kristin Bell star as a group of outsider moms in the school PTA who band together to be Bad Moms.  They party, they sleep in, they make the kids prepare their own breakfast.  Their nemisis (Newman!) is the Supermom PTA President, played by Christina Applegate.

Because its about about moms, there are no redeming males here.  There's a F___boy and that's about it.  There are a few loser dads for comparison.  The dads of course lie around, do nothing, and look pathetic.  The writers (of the Hangover fame) must have had some fun with the comparisons.

It actually comes together at the end, with the lead in to how the mom's life must improve.

Best part is the end credits - where we have real life Moms and Daughters from the movie.

* * * of 5