Y Tu Mama Tambien

No way this movie would be made in the USA.  They'd call it NC-17 even though the characters are classic  (North) American 17 year olds.    Thankfully, we're south of the border here.

In case you don't know, this movie is (a) in Spanish, set in Mexico and (b) about sex.  And moreso, about teenage sex.  I know... you're shocked, shocked...that teenagers are having sex.  And not just prom night either.  If you can't handle that, read no further, and for Heaven's sake, don't even start watching it.

Julio and Tenoch are best buds in an upper middle class Mexican existence.  They have girlfriends who are as red-blooded as they are.  They drink, smoke weed, and other semi-adult activities.   When the GF's go abroad to study, the boys are at loose ends, with not much to do during the summer.

At a wedding they meet an intriguing woman Luisa, maybe 10 years older than them.  They flirt with her and invite her to go to the beach.  When an unusual life twist hits her, she surprisingly agrees to their road trip.  Julio and Tenoch have to hustle to figure out how and where they will go.

Set in the 1980s-early90s? it is before the age of GPS and Google Maps.  They load up the old station wagon and head in general direction of the coast, not quite sure where they are going or why.   Luisa seems to have not much more of a plan.  And without a plan among the 3 of them, anything can happen, right?

No more can be said of the plot.  But this movie is perfectly timed, pre-9/11/01.  There's a sense of foreboding, that some storm is about to come.  The clashes of growing up, entering the adult world, rich urban Mexico v. poor rural Mexico, old customs v. new ways, really come together, keeping the viewer on the edge just slightly.

Billed as a road trip, coming of age, it hits that easy target but continues upward.  The actors even look like the age they're supposed to be- again, very unusual for a movie with such a sex-filled topic.  For a teenage drama, it's perhaps the most adult take on the topic that I've seen.

* * * * (highest rating)

Movie endings

The most noteworthy item in this article is how little that I remember the actual endings of these films:



If it's a young adult movie, you've got to have the Training Academy section of the movie:  Hogwarts, Yoda, Stripes and so forth.  Misfit gets thrown into high pressure situation with little preparation.  With determination, pride, pluck and a little help from friends, she makes it through only to be confronted with an even bigger challenge.

It's a good premise and that's why it's been successful.  Divergent should follow along.  Shalaine Woodley plays Tris who is sent to the Dauntless training.  In this world, humans are directed into 5 tribes in order to keep the peace and protect from threats from "Outside the Wire".  Dauntless are to be the protectors, the military/police.  As such, standards are high.

Guess who might not just fit into this round hole?  Someone who diverges?

Without giving away too much of the plot (since there are two more movies to come), let's just say that the conflict being set up by the training academy to weed out those not fit in, along with the natural conflict that is bound to emerge with 5 separate and distinct tribes, makes for lots of interesting plot leads.

Kate Winslett plays a nice villainess!  And Ashley Judd is back.

* * * of 4