The Post

A throwback to the glory days of the 70s moviemaking, you could call this a prequel to All the President's Men.  We've got Tom Hanks as Ben Bradlee, editor of the Washington Post.  The story here is the the Post is regarded as a local paper, a lightweight, overshadowed by the New York Times.  The Post is run by a woman!  Meryl Streep as Katherine Graham, widow of Phil Graham, who has inherited the business after Phil's suicide.  Her male friends have set her up for a public offering to raise cash and have stocked the board of directors with well-meaning friends.

But now, Katherine has some big decisions to make:   Ben Bradlee has acquired a copy of the Pentagon Papers.  The New York Times has already published and it now under court order not to further publish.  The Post has an opportunity to publish.  This  scoop could be big for the Post.  Or it could bring it down.  What should we do?

I liked nearly everything about the movie.  Directing and Cinematography by the best in the business Steven Spielberg and his longtime Director of Photography, Januz Kaminsky.  I really like the shots of the pay phones and the court.  Also Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep are the best in the business.  The story was one that I had not heard, but it was well told and not overly dramatized. 

The scenes to confirm Katherine Graham's ascendancy as a woman in charge were well done and will get your cheering as intended

And the ending!  So well done.  Great shot by Januz!

* * * * * Highest rating

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